Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday Weigh In

by Susan
I wanted to share a success for this week. I haven't been weighting myself for a few weeks. I tend to put a lot of focus on the number and not on my health so I decided I would put the scale away to remove the temptation and to change my focus. For the most part I have done pretty good. I realize how much of a habit it was for me to step on the scale. I know it was at least once a day if not more. Anyway, since it has been a couple of weeks the curiosity was getting the best of me and I weighed myself. Woohoo!!!! I was down 6 POUNDS! I am so excited. To be honest I am not sure what changes I made to have dropped the pounds but I don't want those pounds back again.

The next few days we have a lot going on but I am determined to be focus on my goals. I do feel like I have a new little "hop in my step" to help push me through. Just to recap I have set my goals up in 3 part; My walk with God, Family, Health.

Here are my goals for the week:

1. My intimacy with God. This has been a so heaving on my heart since our church's Ladies Retreat. I know he desires it from us but how... My time with my bible has kept me in the Song of Solomon. I have also been going through a study of the Song of Solomon with Mike Bickle of iHOP I would like to finish the series.

2. Spend one night this week without the t.v. on and just hang out with DJ.

3. Drink my 64oz water every day this week. I'm also trying really hard to go to my bible when I get bored instead of the fridge.
I am trying to find some type of exercise I can do while my hand and toe are still healing. Please let me know if you have any ideas.

I'm looking forward to another great week. ~Susan

P.S The scale is back in the garage... ;-)

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