Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday: A confession of a "cokeaholic"

by Susan
I have a confession, I cheated. We were at our parent's homes this weekend and I drank a coke, ok maybe it was more like three or four. Oh the temptation. I haven't been keeping coke in the house which has made it easy to stay on track but I got to my mom's and there they were; shiny red cans all nice and chilled. My mom knows that is my drink of choice and she had "stalked up" for me.
Romans 7:15 (NKJ) Paul says: what I will to do, I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. That is how I have been feeling lately. it is so frustrating to know what I need to do but without any thinking I let the temptations over rule. The next month is going to be full of temptations; it is going to be my choice to continue the cycle or break out it.

I mentioned before that I have been trying to pick up my bible when I want something instead of going to the cupboard and staring at the possibilities. This has helped me when I am at home but it is difficult to do when I am at someones else's home even if it is my mom's. Today I was reading a post on my pastor's blog about memorizing God's word verbatim with references. After reading that I decided to adjust my weekly goals and start memorizing scripture to remind me that I can make good choices when I am not at home.

Here are my goals for the next week:
  1. I am starting to read in Ecclesiastes and I am going to work on memorizing this scripture: ...A wise man scales the city of the mighty, and brings down the trusted stronghold. Prov. 21:22 For me the trusted strong hold is food.

  2. We are spending a lot of time with our extended family the next couple of weeks and I want to make sure to have some time for just DJ and me.

  3. Logging my food and working towards burning 500 more calories per day then I eat.
Next week I weight-in on the scale to see if I made the goal of 5lbs for Thanksgiving.


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